VSTI offers three types of programmes, namely NATED National Qualifications, NQF registered qualifications and Agent pro-grammes. NATED programmes are credit bearing qualifications that are interimly registered on the NQF and offered under the auspices of the Department of Education, Umalusi Council for quality assurance and QCTO. They are offered in Business and Engineering studies. Engineering is offered as Semester courses (3 months per level-N4, N5, N6) and Business studies as semester courses (6 months per level-N4, N5, N6) A National Diploma qualification is awarded to students who have completed their N6 in a specific field and have completed a rele-vant 18 months (Business Studies) or 18 months (Engineering studies) in service training with an organization of their choice. Agent programmes are qualifications for which VSTI offers
Our Location
12th Floor
320 Pixley Kaseme Street