

The Academic Board [AB] acts as a sub-committee of the Advisory Council of Vaal Skills Training Institute (PTY). The Academic Board meets as and when the need arises, but at least once a quarter, before the Advisory Council meeting. The quorum of all meetings is fifty percent plus one. The Academic Board shall, in discharging its mandate, ensure that its decisions do not negate, contravene or affect negatively the institution’s statutory obligations and that of the Advisory Council.


The Curriculum Committee is responsible for: Approving of the Curriculum for each of the qualifications offered. Approving the Study Guides of all modules in all programmes. Making recommendations to the Academic Board on appointing academic experts. Approving a list of prescribed textbooks in each of the disciplines for the library. Promoting quality assurance and enhancement across the institution. Appointment of External and Internal examiners and moderators of all written examinations for exit level qualifications. Serving as a screening committee for new programmes before submission to the Academic Board and the external bodies, namely, Department of Higher Education and Training [DHET], Council on Higher Education [CHE] and the South African Qualifications Authority [SAQA]. Developing, approving and monitoring the implementation of academic policies related to teaching and learning. Approving all module templates, study guides and learning materials or packs. Disseminating information received (e.g. SAQA, DHET, CHE) related to teaching and learning. Overseeing the implementation of support services to improve the academic activities of both Learners and Staff. Conducting tracer; cohort studies and research on student success across all modules and programmes. Organising workshops and seminars on academic and quality-related issues. Making recommendations to the appropriate internal structures for resources facilities and infrastructure requirements. Overseeing and monitoring all policies related to academic and administrative issues. Overseeing the records of all documentation, circulars, correspondence and information of academic matters of the institution.

Examinations Board

The primary objective of the Examination Board is to develop examination and assessment procedures, including conduct of examinations, security of examination papers, duties of invigilators and markers, moderation of marks and handling of student appeals. The Vaal Skills Training Institute (PTY) exam board is made up of the following Academic staff : Rector Academic HODs. Head Exams Quality Assurance.